Yes!! You heard me!! Twins!! My hubby and I have just had our wee Charlie in our lives for 18months and finally had our fabulously FUN and FANTASTIC wedding day, only to have the next big bomb in our lives.....WE ARE HAVING TWINS!!!
The shock and bewilderment is still setting in as this news is NUTS! Neither my husband nor myself have any history of twins in our lineage.....How does this happen?
However, this news is of course great, shocking, but great. But now comes an entirely different adventure....that comes wrapped in worry and stress as I fear for the healthy arrival of not 1 but 2 babies.
Hence why I have started up this writing gig yet again. I am going to need some time to let it all out, get the thoughts from my head to paper and allow my stress to be released through type.
So welcome to my blog. Welcome to the wonderful adventures of a natural conception set of Twins.
So the bumpy road so far......
The day after our wedding (August 19th 2012).
We pee on stick to find (without shock) that we are expecting baby number 2. The wonder of the home tests these days is they show you (loosely) just how pregnant you are, so we were 3+ weeks......apparently.
Wednesday, September 19th ......just one month from discovery day.
I take Charlie back to the Barrie Midwives office for our first baby appointment. As I lay back to have my belly examined, Charlie watched with concern as they blue goo my tummy.
TADA!!! Heart beat.....a nice strong rhythmic beat. My heart relaxed with relief as my Midwife Agnes told me BABY.....as in ONE, was strong and healthy sounding. Charlie hugged me as I sat up which of course melted my heart even more. My little girl was relieved as well, but probably more for the fact that I wasn't being beamed away with the magic blue gel and radio attached to my belly.
Friday, September 21st 2012
This is the morning of the BIG NEWS!!
I had asked my Dad to come with me as Hubby was sadly working so someone could watch my little lady while I was having our first ultrasound.
The blobby picture starts to show up on the technicians screen, I whisper to Dad & Charlie to come see. Dad, joker that he thinks he is, says " OOOH TWINS". I reply with the obvious "Whatever Dad! Don't be a jackass!". The lovely technician Murielle, says sweetly "yes dear, there are two. You didn't know?"
WHAT??!! Of course I didn't know! You have to be kidding me!! My instant shock was overwhelming and the stress instantly took over.....for a matter of second until Murielle started to explore the wee pods that the little ones Twin A & Twin B are floating around in.
Suddenly the maternal side of me finally kicks in. Yes, I do have one. The stress is still there, but now the panick has been replaced with motherly worry.
Everything looking great! The babies are a good size (both being the same size), nice strong heart beats (BOTH of them), and lovely for me....nice large heads. Our Twins are called DI-DI, which basically means they are the best types of Twin set ups.
I stop in at Babies Daddy's work to let him in on the big news......blank stare as his numb brain tries to absorb this startling news. To be honest, I'm not sure that four days later it has set in even now.
With this new discovery comes an entirely new topic for me to research. With this type of reading comes a wave of emotions from worry and stress to happiness and delight while reading the experiences of other mothers and their bumpy roads through a multiple birth.
And thus, our adventure begins.......can you see the two? Or as my husband likes to call them "Odyssey & Quest".
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